Konferenzseminar Usable Security and Privacy (Seminar)


jährlich im Wintersemester


Empf. 1./3. Fachsemester


3 LP, Seminarleistung, benotet

In the seminar, students go through the typical process of a scientific conference. They write a scientific paper, submit it "at the conference", receive reviews for it and incorporate the reviews into their paper before presenting and discussing it at the conference. At the same time, they act as reviewers themselves and provide feedback on the work of fellow students.

Learning objective

  • The students write their own paper on an agreed topic in the area of Usable Security and Privacy. They will use LaTeX and apply the basics of scientific writing.
  • The students evaluate the scientific papers of others and provide feedback that will assist in improving the papers.
  • The students incorporate feedback received into their papers.
  • The students present content of their own work at the conference and discuss it with other students.

Subject schedule

Procedure and standards at "Scientific Conferences", short introduction to scientific writing (structure of a paper, researching and citing, formatting), independent familiarization with a topic area and preparation of a paper and a presentation on this topic area.


The seminar is generally offered in English, although it is possible to switch to German depending on a decision in the first lecture. English is preferred for writing the paper, but a submission in German is possible.